
Meet our Team

Revd James 'Dub' Gannon

Revd James 'Dub' Gannon

Revd James ‘Dub’ Gannon, Deanne and their three children moved to the parish of Longford/Perth in 2020. Revd Gannon has a background in agriculture growing up on a mixed farm in the Riverina, NSW. After working in the agricultural industry for a number of years as an agricultural consultant he went to theological college to train for parish ministry. His first post was working as curate in the Church of England based in Essex, UK, and then working as a vicar of six small rural parishes also in the county of Essex. He came to develop a deep appreciation for all things British and loved the history and its beautiful countryside.

Revd Gannon is passionate about sharing the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ and to see people grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. If you would like to find out more about the Lord Jesus and what the bible has to say in our 21st century world, Revd Gannon would love to hear from you. Please do get in contact through the contact details below.

Revd Laurie Skilton

Revd Laurie Skilton

A word about myself

If I should say anything about myself it must be a testimony of Our Lord’s making, nothing that I have achieved can be my boast other than to say it is all of Him rather than of me.

Even my call to ministry was peppered with the unusual, brought up as I was in a home devoid of Christian commitment or church attendance.

It was the Lord’s direct intervention that I should be ordained by the bishop of Oxford, deaconed in 1970 and priested in 1971 because I had no intent to enter the ministry and the call from the Bishop of Oxford came completely unexpectedly.

There is nothing that I can say about my ministry without acknowledging the place of Sylvia, my wife. Together we enjoyed family life with our son Dominic and our daughter Davinia who continue in their Christian walk with their spouses and children.

Together we prayed and wept, laughed and hoped for the people about us to embrace the Kingdom of God in two curacies, Vicar of St Philip’s West Bromwich, Rector of St Andrews Thornlie in Western Australia and then of Wembley in Perth.

The journey from there is one of brokenness, the loss of dreams and restoration.

travelling an ecclesiastical wilderness, we did many things to earn a living and we were never without a ministry on Sundays, I may have been preaching, but Sylvia always provided the music.

In those difficult days, I experienced the challenges of the business world and over a decade of teaching in high schools.

It was Bishop David Mulready who took us back into the Anglican ministry after a time in the wilderness. David with his wife Maureen opened his arms in the love of Christ and we were once again back looking after the parish of Northampton then Shark Bay and a spell in the Mission to Seafarers.

Sylvia and I have always known the imperative of our Lord’s call to serve Him and we continue to serve as long as health and opportunity prevail.

Revd Mark Barry

Revd Mark Barry

Mark gave his life to Jesus at uni, while reading through Mark’s gospel and coming face-to-face with the awesome love of God at the cross.

He has since worked as an architect, before serving with AFES* on uni campuses, and as state coordinator for the Bible Society in Tasmania. He then took on the role of Community Pastor for five years at St John’s Launceston (now the All Saints Network), before becoming the Associate Minister in the parishes of Longford/Perth & Cressy at the end of 2023.

Mark is married to Lucy, who loves painting and gardening, and they have two (almost) adult children: Sam and Naomi. Mark loves long walks, short books, creative projects (e.g. visualunit and markbarryart) and, above all, sharing the riches of God’s word with people who want to know more about the love of Jesus.


* the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students

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