IWe have the privilege of hosting Henry Olonga at Christ Church Longford. Henry is a Zimbabwean international cricketer and a classical singer, who made it to the semi-finals of The Voice. He’ll be sharing his incredible story of faith in the face of great suffering, as well as some inspiring songs with us.
- Sunday 9th February
- 7pm - 8:30pm
- Christ Church Anglican Church (2 William Street Longford)
- Entry is FREE, but a collection will be taken on the night to help cover costs
- Please invite your friends and family along. All are welcome!

We're pleased to announce that we're hosting a free kids' concert with Dan Warlow on Wednesday the 19th of February at Christ Church Longford. Being hailed as 'the new Colin Buchanan', Dan will be performing a selection of his own songs, giving an interactive puppet show, and sharing a Bible story. So, if you know any families with primary-aged children, please invite them along.
- Wednesday, 9th February
- 3:45pm - 5pm
- Christ Church Anglican Church (2 William Street Longford)
- Entry is FREE!
Christianity Explored course:

One life. What's it all about? This video clip provides the answer: Click here
Christianity Explored (CE) is an informal and relaxed seven-week course which we run every October. It is for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. It is completely free.
You don’t need to know anything about the Bible, and you won’t be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen. CE is a place for you to explore what life is all about. It might just be the best news you have ever heard. If you would like to get a taster of what the course is about you can check it out on the following website:
If you would like to know more or sign up for our next course please get in touch via the details on our contact page.
Children’s Ministries
Good News Club @ Longford:
For Prep - Grade 6
Every Wednesday 3-4:30pm
Christ Church Parish Hall (2a William St), Longford
Contact Stephanie on 0400 971 767 or for check out our children's page for more information
Parish Prayer Supper:
1st Monday of every month
7pm at Christ Church Parish hall (2a William St), Longford
Bible Studies @ Longford:
4pm each Wednesday afternoon during term time
6pm Young Adults each Wednesday evening during term time
Everyone is welcome to join us, please contact us to get more information
Musical concerts are held on a semi-regular basis in Christ Church assisted by the excellent acoustics of the building. These are advertised on the Concerts tab on this website.
If you would like to make a booking or enquiry please contact Jenny Williams on jennywill@bigpond.com